A Week Ago Thursday

Last Thursday we were preparing for Hurricane Harvey. Most local folks I talked to reassured me not to worry about it, that the media was all hype. I’m grateful my daughter, who is a natural caregiver, convinced me otherwise and we stocked up on groceries. At first I grumbled (I haven’t spent that much on groceries in I don’t know when),  but now, a week later, we are still well stocked, although a little short on fresh vegetables and fruits… but that’s all minor in the grand scheme of things.

Blessed, grateful, thank you. These words have become a litany, a prayer of sorts. Its hard to watch or read the news reports about the devastation around us.  I am proud of the community, the city, the nation of people coming together helping out those in desperate times. Its going to take a long time to come back from this but it’ll happen. the city, the state, the people are resilient. Its just going to take time and a lot of resources.

To be fair, I have been less enamored with Houston, since arriving a few months ago, but I also know myself well enough to know its just I’m not use to living in a major city (Its me – not you, Houston). Maybe I should say I’m less enamored of the driving, the heat and the ongoing aggressive crush of people always in a hurry and with little kindness to be spared. But witnessing the turn out of stranger helping stranger has softened my opinion. I doubt if I will ever enjoy the staggering amount of crazy on the interstate (I’m sure it will be worse in the future, since much of the roads will be undergoing repairs).

All in all, I don’t regret the move here (maybe I’m the crazy one?) – despite the adjustment to the fourth largest city, its crazy traffic and now, one of the largest natural disasters its ever seen, I still feel enormously grateful to be here. I am blessed. I am so thankful that my family is safe, that the rain has stopped, that the sun is out, and that the city is coming together to help those in need.

If you want to help:

Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

To make a financial donation to Hurricane Harvey relief efforts contact these charities:

via Daily Prompt: Enamored

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