Salted Grace

I sometimes struggle with saying the things that need saying. The clear, succinct words in my brain tumble in fragments and split into mixed up letters making strange, incoherent sentences that make absolutely no sense. And then other times, out pops just the right thing, at just the right time with just the right meaning. That’s GRACE. And, you know what, I’m usually never aware of when that happens.

The crazy thing is, the Spirit works in ways that we aren’t aware of. He uses us, our mixed up words, our imperfect perfect actions and creates amazing, unknowing impacts on others. I remember a time when I was walking through the airport in my own little bubble when a man approached me. I didn’t recognize him. But he beamed at me, thanking me for something I had said during one of many training sessions I had held a year ago. I don’t remember what I had said or the words used. But I’ll never forget the happiness and enthusiasm of this man in the middle of the airport. And I still can’t remember what I had said to leave a lasting impression.

Words have impact.

Let Grace sprinkle them with just the right seasoning.



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