When Life Boils Over

Day 47 – #HappyDay Challenge

Some days pots boil over, meetings run long, and a scratchy throat turns into a full blown cold. Hello, Life!

Welcome to my day.

But even with these small daily mishaps I am mining the day’s moments for happiness. Ya know what – they are there.

  1. My daughter called me. And that always makes me happy to hear her voice.
  2. I have ibuprofen on hand and a heating pad to ease the aches.
  3. I confirmed lunch plans with a wonderful girlfriend.
  4. The chili I made turned out pretty good despite the beans boiling over.

There you go. Four happy moments in a somewhat foggy day. And I know if I really spent some more time I could come up with a lot more blessings. But it’s time to be kind to myself and rest.

Sending you lots of happiness!

Love, April


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