Daily Affirmations – A Fun Generator

Daily affirmations, positive pocket thoughts and prayers bring real life value.  For a fun twist discover yours today.

I am Bad Ass, Healthy and Happy, Fit and Fabulous, Loved, Effing Fierce, Beautiful just the way I am

Take a screenshot to randomly select an Affirmation. Spirit speaks to you in surprising ways!

Hello, Beautiful!

How are you doing this lovely Wednesday morning? Can I toss a question out to you in this vast, open forum that I’ve been mulling over?

Is life always messy?

I’m a creature that tends towards order with an OCD propensity (according to my children). What can I say, I believe there is a place for everything. Junk drawers make me shutter and you may find me often tidying up my physical space.

But here’s the gist, I really wish tidying up my inner world is as easy as it is my outer world. But life is messy. Unfortunately, we can’t control most things but we can control how we react. That’s an important distinction.

Focusing on positive phrases can change how we react in stressful situations. Take a phrase that clicks for you, repeat it often, post a sticky note on your desk, fridge, mirror and read it often. You just may be surprised at how it impacts your emotional health.

That’s where the rub lies. It’s recognizing how messy life gets and seeking tools for self development. Affirmations can help.

Sending you love and happiness!


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