Healing for Cracked Hearts

Snap, snap, there goes another crack, spidering lines along an already scared heart silently. Broken hearts are funny things because when they break there is no crash, no clatter just silence. And a pain so deep that breath stops for a moment.

But in that paralyzingly silence, the Spirit steps in with a balm to the broken. What can feel like forever and a day of invisible brokenness, is slowly soothed and each crack, each fissure deep across your heart mended.

It’ll never be a perfectly smooth untouched heart. Who wants that? For each snap is a story, a lesson, a love so deep that to wipe it away ruins the story of your life. All those little snaps and great big cracks are all about being open to life and trusting that when the pain gets too big to breathe that the Universe is the ultimate Healer.

My flesh and my heart faileth: but God is the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever. Psalm 73:26 KJV

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